Daily Motivation

What get's you out of bed each morning? Is it so you can stumble bleary-eyed downstairs to grab that sacred cup of coffee or do you jump out of bed excited to get your day going? 

    Everyone always assumes that because I get up early every day that it's somehow easy for me or that I enjoy it. This is not the case! I struggle with motivation just the same as the next person. The difference between me and others is that even when I am absolutely dreading climbing out of my warm cozy bed I remind myself of why, and then I get up. Everyone's why is different and I challenge you to find yours, but here are a few things that keep me going even when its the last thing I want to do. 

1. Feeling good: Nothing in the world makes me feel better than a good workout. I struggle with a lot of back, shoulder and neck pain and a good pump gets my blood flowing. Most days I can feel the difference in my stiffness right away. Feeling good = having a good day! 

2. Being successful: "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine." -Mike Murdock 
This is one of my newest favorite quotes! I always have a plan for my day written the night before in my notebook. Getting out of bed when I told myself I would helps keep my day on track and I am way more productive. Start your morning by doing something that you enjoy but is also a good healthy habit. Could be a morning run, stretching, practicing mindfulness, writing down your affirmations, or even just drinking lemon water. Do something beneficial for you and you will see the difference. 

3. Loving myself: I feel terrible when I don't accomplish what I want during the day. Dragging my mornings out and wasting precious time makes me feel lazy and like I'm going nowhere. I HATE this feeling! I love getting to pat myself on the back after a productive day and tell myself good job. Reminding yourself on how good success feels will keep you getting up day after day. 

    These are only a few of my motivators that keep me tackling my days but they work wonders for me. Everyone is different, so find something that works for you. There are millions of healthy daily habits or routines that will change your life when you do them every day. Find one, try one, see the results!